
Matt's Stuff on a Mapp

Friday, February 5, 2010

There's a story about an ancient general who sent took his troops to a local manor for a feast as a reward for hard work. The general and his troops expected a delicious meal and some evening entertainment, but during the meal, their enemies surrounded the place, locked the doors, and burned it to the ground.

Few things worry people more than giving their financial information away to a free service website. asks you to do exactly that. This might seem like offering your hand to a wolverine, but I assure you, it won't get bitten off. has wonderful encryption, brilliant web design, and plentiful features. They make money off of referrals to other websites, and you get an all in one stop for your financial situation at no charge.

I've used for a few years now. It's simple to use and I wholeheartedly recommend it to my friends. get's a nice fat


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Winchell's Donuts

Winchell's makes the Peyton Manning of donuts.

Today I had a Winchell's donut, and I'm not going to lie, my mouth exploded with happiness.

During the Vietnam War, the Viet Kong were approaching a heavily entrenched U.S. battalion, when freedom fighters from Seattle dumped a load of Winchell's donuts on them. They postponed the battle and communism and freedom ate sprinkles together.

At Obama's first inaugural ball, he held a Warm'n'Fresh Donut aloft and toasted his staff.

Winchell's deserves a solid


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Alberto Giacometti Sculpture

The image at left is "Walking Man I," and chances are it is more valuable than you will ever be. Today it sold for more than $100 million. Yes. 1 followed by 8 zeros. It has narrowly edged out the Mona Lisa, Michaelangelo's David, and My Blood Type O heart in value.

In honor of this man here, I hereby give "Walking Man I" a nice round


(c) Sotheby's

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